46021 Valencia (Spain)   

CIF B98636764  

volume 9795 folio 170 inscrp 1  sheet V-159583 trade register of Valencia


Informs users of the Web Site political protection of personal data .
Your use of the Web site www.artiamano.com and any services that are incorporated in it implies full acceptance of the conditions stated in the Privacy Policy set out below:
1. Data collection.

Giving wing Ley15/1999 compliance of 13 December on the protection of personal data , we inform that the personal data requested in our forms will be included in a personal data file is owned and operated by A.EUROPA SL. By completing any of the forms with personal data requested and accept the delivery, expressly authorizes A.EUROPA SL. treat or incorporated in the automated file owned personal information provided in such form , as well as all data generated in connection with your participation or use of the various products or services offered on this website .
Unless specifically stated otherwise , shall be deemed necessary to complete all the fields in each form , for which a member must complete the forms with true, accurate , complete and current . The user is solely responsible for any loss or damage , direct or indirect, leading to A.EUROPA SL, or any third party due to complete the forms with false, inaccurate, incomplete or outdated data or third party data.
Through the different areas that are part of this Web site, users can obtain information, consultation and participation in all educational and institutional activities A.EUROPA SL offers through its Web site .

2. Aims of treatment. 

The information provided will never be used for a purpose other than that for which they have been assigned, and will be immediately canceled when no longer needed for that purpose , except where the law provides otherwise .
Where that person sends personal data and email address to A.EUROPA SL expressly authorize its use for regular communications, specifically including those made by email.
Apart from the above, the collection and the processing of personal data supplied also aim administrative management, provide information about our products and services and the development of the contractual relationship between him and A.EUROPA SL

3 . Security . 

All information concerning personal data received by A.EUROPA SL, is treated with the utmost confidentiality , and are applicable only to those required for the service of interest in each case strict communications as well as communications and assignments authorized by the user through this Privacy Policy.

Also, A.EUROPA SL has adopted the levels of security to protect personal data legally required and installed the technical means and measures at its disposal to prevent the loss , misuse , alteration and unauthorized access to personal data .

The user is entitled to access to information concerning you collected files A.EUROPA SL , correct if wrong, cancel or oppose their treatment , via e -mail to the address or communication info@artiamano.com written and signed (attached copy of their ID) to the data of A.EUROPA SL, with registered offices at  POLO Y PEYROLON STREET 14-4p 46021 Valencia

4 . Transfer of data . 

You agree that your data may be transferred exclusively for the purposes described above, to the entities / companies A.EUROPA SL, User acceptance that their data can be treated or disposed of in the manner provided in this paragraph has character always revocable , without retroactive effect, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 6 and 11 of law 15 /1999 of 13 December. 

5 . Cookies Policy . 

a) Using the web www.artiamano.com Cookies
b ) Types , purpose and operation of Cookies
c ) How to disable Cookies on major browsers
d ) What happens if cookies are disabled 

a) Use of Cookies and Web Bugs www.artiamano.com the Web : 

The Web www.artiamano.com use ¨ Cookies ¨ , and similar devices (hereinafter Cookies ) . Cookies are files sent to a browser by a web server to record user activities in a particular website or all websites , apps and / or Web services www.artiamano.com (hereinafter the Service) . The primary purpose of cookies is to provide the user faster access to selected services . In addition, Cookies personalize the Web Services offered www.artiamano.com , facilitating and providing each User information that is of interest or that may be of interest , having regard to your use of the Services.
The Web www.artiamano.com use cookies to personalize and facilitate navigation of the User. Cookies are only associated with an anonymous user and computer and do not provide references that allow the User's personal data . Users may set your browser to notify and reject the installation of cookies sent by the Web www.artiamano.com , without affecting the ability of the user to access the Content. However, we note that it , in any case, the performance of the website may be impaired.
Registered Users who register or have logged in, may benefit from more personalized services and targeted to your profile , thanks to the combination of the data stored in cookies with personal data used at the time of registration. These users expressly authorize the use of this information for the purpose indicated , without prejudice to their right to reject or disable cookies. 

b ) Types , purpose and operation of Cookies: 

Cookies , in terms of their permanence, may be divided into permanent or session cookies . The first expire when the user closes the browser. The second function expire when the purpose for which they serve (eg , that keeps the user identified in the www.artiamano.com Services ) or when manually deleted is met.
Additionally , depending on your goal, the cookies can be classified as follows :
COOKIES PERFORMANCE : This type of cookie remembers your preferences for the tools found in the Services, so no need to reconfigure the service every time you visit . For example , in this type include:

The objects stored in the " shopping cart " in the E - commerce services . 

GEO- LOCATION OF COOKIES : These cookies are used to find out which country is when a service is requested. This cookie is completely anonymous and is only used to help guide the content of its location .
COOKIES FOR REGISTRATION: The registration Cookies are generated once the user is registered or subsequently opened its session, and are used to identify you on the Services with the following objectives :
Keeping the user identified so that if you close a service , the browser or the computer and at another time or another day reenters the Service will continue identified , thus facilitating navigation without having to login . This functionality can be deleted if the user presses the feature " close session" , so that this cookie is deleted and the next time you enter the Service User will have to log in to be identificicado .
Additionally, some services may use connectors with social networks such as Facebook or Twitter. When the user is logged into a service with a social network credentials , authorizes the social network to store a persistent cookie to remember your identity and ensures access to the Services until it expires . The user can delete this Cookie and revoke access to social networking services by updating your preferences on specific social network . 

ANALYSIS OF COOKIES : Each time a user visits a service , a tool from an external supplier ( Omniture, Netscope , Comscore and the like which may be added to this list in the event of changes in relation to current ) generates an analytic Cookie in the User's computer. This Cookie is generated only in the visit, will in future visits to www.artiamano.com Services to identify anonymous visitors . The main objectives to be achieved are : Allow anonymous identification boaters users through the "Cookie " ( identifies browsers and devices , not people ) and hence the approximate counting the number of visitors and their trends over time .
Anonymously identify the most visited content and therefore more attractive to the users for the User Know if you are accessing is new or repeated visit. 

Important: Unless the user decides to register with a service www.artiamano.com , the "Cookie " will never associated with any other personal information that can identify you . Such Cookies will only be used for statistical purposes that help to optimize the experience of users on the site.
Learn more about the privacy policy of these tools :
Omniture : www.omniture.com / en / privacy ;
Comscore : www.comscore.com / esl / About_comScore / PRIVACY_POLICY ;
Netscope : www.net-scope.com/oursolutions/oursolutions.aspx . 

c ) How to disable the Cookies and Web bugs in major browsers: 

It is usually possible to stop accepting browser cookies or stop accepting cookies a particular Service .
All modern browsers allow you to change the settings on Cookies. These adjustments typically located on the ' Options ' or ' Preferences ' menu of your browser. You can also set your browser or email manager and install free add-ons to prevent the Web Bugs are downloaded when you open an email .
The Web of www.artiamano.com provide guidance to the user about the steps to access the setup menu of cookies and, where appropriate, private browsing in each of the major browsers : 

Internet Explorer: Tools - > Internet Options -> Privacy - > Settings.
For more information, please refer to the Microsoft support or Help browser .
Firefox : Tools - > Options - > Privacy - > History -> Custom Settings.
For more information, please refer to the Mozilla support or Help browser .
Chrome: Settings -> Show Advanced Options -> Privacy -> Content Settings .
For more information, please consult the Google support or Help browser .
Safari: Preferences - > Security.
For more information, please refer to the Apple Support or Help browser .  

d ) What happens if cookies are disabled: 

Some features of the Services will be disabled , for example , remain identified , keep shopping at the " shopping cart " in an e- commerce service , receive information for your location. 


The Web of www.artiamano.com may modify this Policy Cookies based on laws, regulations , or in order to adapt the policy to the instructions issued by the Spanish Data Protection Agency is why we suggest to users demands who visit regularly .
When significant changes in this Cookies Policy , Users can communicate using the web or via email to registered users . 

6. Changes to this Privacy Policy. 

A.EUROPA SL, reserves the right to modify its data protection policy according to its criteria, or because of legislation, jurisprudence or business practice . If A.EUROPA SL, introduced an amendment , the new text will be published on this page (Web Site ) , where you may be aware of the data protection policy . In any case , the relationship with users will be governed by the rules in force at the time when accessing the Web site . 

Users of our site are aware of the above and accept it voluntarily . 

If you have any comments or suggestions, please write to info@artiamano.com